
Words of Wisdom: Joss Whedon

nerdfighters rules Hello Fellow BookNerds!

People have a knack for overlooking the true geniuses of this world, until they either climb their way onto their mainstream channels, or their ideas become so controversial that they can no longer be ignored. In other words, they either ride the popular bandwagon or they become the scapegoats for everything that goes wrong in society. Not that the ideas of a genius have to be of a radical nature with the intention of changing the fundamental values upon which humanity is built. Geniuses come in a wide variety, like Lays chips; there will be some you love, some you hate, and the rest you’re just indifferent to. Hey, the potato chip itself could be considered the creation of a genius, although that may not of been what Mr. George Crum had in mind when trying to satisfy the complaint of one of the customers at his restaurant. This talk of chips is making me hungry, so I digress…

The entertainment world is bursting at the seems with brilliant minds, one of whom is finally being given the attention and respect he deserves. His stories are not only outside the box, but every character, no matter how insignificant their part may seem, is memorable. It’s also best not to get too attached to any of them either, because in his world, no character is safe from the clutches of evil and death. I am, of course, talking about non other than Joss Whedon, the genius behind such stories as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, and most recently The Avengers. It is his creative genius that has prompted me to choose his words for today’s Words of Wisdom segment…


(Joss Whedon, 1964 ~ present)

“I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I’m afraid of. ”


We all have our reasons for why we write. I, for instance, have difficulty expressing myself in a verbal manner; my knees still quake at the mere thought of giving a speech in front of more than a few spectators. I still have things I would like to say, though, hence my seeking out other, less spotlit mediums. I also write because, like Mr. Whedon, there are certain things I cannot do in the real world that can be made possible on paper, like soaring through the clouds on the scaly back of a dragon, or facing off against hoards of zombies with nothing more than a crossbow. Even if it can never be, I find comfort in knowing that I can create an entire world where I can be whomever I wish to be, even if it’s only on paper. Call it an escape from reality, if you wish, but some of the books I have read give more insight into reality than most of the people I talk to. Maybe if politicians read more fiction, they could see just what kind of world they’re dealing with, and just how influential and dangerous their actions can be …

That’s all for today. Be sure to share to leave your comments, questions or any other thoughts in the comments, and until next time, happy reading!





Inventor of Potato Chips

Joss Whedon Biography

Joss Whedon Stories

Reflections: Why Do People Keep Saying That!

nerdfighters rules Hello Fellow BookNerds!

It goes without saying that I am a big fan of the English language and everything it entails, but that love of words and literary devices comes to a crashing halt when certain phrases reach my ears. My brain can only take so much language abuse before I have to put my foot down, both literally and figuratively. The following is a mere sample of the vat of common sayings which not only means something entirely different than the context people have placed them in, but they also don’t make a lick of sense regardless of their verbal or literary usage.

My Top 5 Most Annoyingly Inaccurate Sayings of the English Language


#5: I could care less

Okay, my feud with this phrase has more to do with its context than anything else. Whenever people say ‘I could care less’ as a substitution for ‘I don’t care’, the first thought to occur to me is that they are contradicting themselves. When you say ‘I could care less’, what you are really saying is ‘I do care’. What they should really be saying is ‘I couldn’t care less’, which more accurately captures the extent to which they don’t care for something.

#4: Irregardless

This time, it’s grammatical. I’m not sure who decided to place a suffix on this word, but the proper term is ‘regardless’, meaning ‘despite the present circumstances’. Words like ‘irregardless’ tend to pop up when someone gets this idea in their head that it would be cool to squash two words together and see to what extent it would catch on. That is most likely how this one came about, although no one does know for sure.

#3: And he was like…

If you are going to recite a conversation between yourself and someone else, show some certainty in what both you and the other person said. When people say ‘he was like’, I cannot help but feel their certainty in what the other person said is not as rock solid as they would like me to believe. They would have ‘said’ something, and not have ‘like, said’ something. Like is meant to dictate feelings of attraction or preference, in some cases comparing two or more things in terms of certain attributes. I do wish people would refrain from using it as a mere filler word instead of its intended use.

#2: It hurts like Hell!

There is a very simple reason for my displeasure at hearing this phrase: how can you know something hurts like hell when you’ve never been? Perhaps I am looking at it in too much of a literal manner, but it would make more sense to compare it to a past experience that results in the same level of pain than a place that may or may not exist.

#1: ???

I must leave you at a cliffhanger here, for I have not yet decided on the phrase which forces my level of irritation to peek. I would like to hear what my fellow BookNerds think, though. Let me know in the comments which phrases you would like to see fall into disuse, and I promise that by tomorrow, I shall unveil that ultimate, most annoying saying known to human kind. Until then, happy reading!



Words of Wisdom: Sherlock Holmes

nerdfighters rules Hello Fellow BookNerds!

Today, I wish to impose upon you the words of an author whose wisdom is conveyed through his minds greatest creation; Sherlock Holmes. It may be the words of a fictional character, but that does not lessen the truth of these words…


(Sir Athur Conan Doyle, 1859~1930)

“[…]for strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination”

This quote was taken from The Red-Headed League by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. These were the first words that my mind recalled after having read this story, mostly because they resonate a truth that I myself approve of. We watch movies and read books to immerse ourselves in that which is extraordinary and supernatural, to experience things that we could never fathom experiencing in real life. You can go wherever you want to, become whomever you want to be, and all without having to leave the comfort of your own bed. But what we fail to realize is that the plain upon which we exist can be just as extraordinary, if not more, than anything the human imagination can conjure up.

The video below, for example, is an episode taken from the YouTube series Scishow hosted by Hank Green. It is a series dedicated to exploring the world of science, and presenting the facts on a level that almost anyone can understand. This video is a part of his newest segment, “The Scishow Talk Show”, where they have an animal guest brought in to see, touch and learn about from an animal expert. This particular video springs to mind because this creature seems so strange, and so alien, that most would think of it as a manifestation of the imagination.

I pride myself on my ability to conjure up stories for others to enjoy, and I know only too well how amazing and extraordinary the human imagination is. However, I will take real world experience over that any day, because life can be even more extraordinary if we give it the chance to be.

That is all for today. Feel free to share your thoughts on this quote – whether you agree or disagree – and until next time, happy reading!



How To Avoid Brain Implosion During Exams

nerdfighters rules Hello Fellow BookNerds!

If you’re like me, these are some of the things you will be experiencing for the next few weeks:

Accelerated hair loss due to an increase of self inflicted strain placed on the follicles…


Blood vessels of the sclera becoming more pronounced and numerous….


Blood pressure rising from an increase in caffeine consumption….


Inability to partake in REM sleep for more than a few hours a day….


Seeking out viable sources of procrastination….


If you are suffering from one or more of these symptoms, then just like me, you are suffering from what I like to call Exam Season Fever. There is no permanent cure for this disease, but it is possible to maintain psychological coherence by creating a balanced studying schedule. Here is a list of just some of the things you can do to stave off the worst of these systems:

1. Stress Ball: You can buy one of make it yourself, but either way a stress ball will prevent you from putting unnecessary strain on your hair.

2. Blink!: When looking at your computer screen, remember that your eyelids are there to prevent your eyeballs from drying out, and it only takes a fraction of a second to use them. Unless there are angel statues on your screen, in which case you need to keep your eyes open and call The Doctor.

3. Alternative Drinks: It’s not easy to sit still when you’re veins are pumping more caffeine than blood. Try some less caffeinated beverages, like hot chocolate or green tea if you really need a temporary energy ‘pick me up’.

4. SLEEP!: The brain cannot function properly without adequate sleep, so no matter how much you want to keep studying, repress those feelings and conk out for the night. I myself set a study limit where I don’t study past 11pm, because that’s when I become unable to retain anything I read. This is different for everyone, obviously.

5. Prioritize: It’s okay to have fun, even during exam time, but there’s a time for fun and a time for mental stimulation. Try alternating between study and other activities to fulfill your social needs and to avoid having your brain implode from the weight of all that stress.

If you have any other useful tips for studying, feel free to leave them in the comments. Otherwise, good luck with your exams everyone. I shall try to continue posting on a daily basis, but do not be alarmed if I miss a day or two or more.

That’s all for today. Keep calm, cool and collected, and as always, happy reading!



Words of Wisdom: Neil Gaiman

nerdfighters rules Hello Fellow BookNerds!

Before getting to the focal point of today’s blog, I would like to give a HUGE thanks to all of my followers. I have never taken on this kind of internet responsibility before, with people hanging on my every word and sharing what I have to say with others. I mentioned this before, but my goal is to become an established Opinions columnist, and this has essentially become one of my stepping stones for getting there. Thanks to you all, I have more confidence than ever in my ability to gauge people’s interests and deliver a unique and personal insight on the matter. Hugs and high fives all around, and I hope to be able to continue meeting your expectations in the future ^_^

Now, before I get all teary eyed, let’s move on to the main event for today. To follow this weeks ‘book’ theme, I decided to dig up another quote for the Words of Wisdom segment. This weeks quote comes from British author Neil Gaiman, who wrote such brilliant masterpieces as Good Omens, Coraline, and American Gods. He also made an appearance alongside author John Green and his brother – and established music artist – Hank Green at Carnegie Hall for “An Evening of Awesome”. I’ll post a clip of the event at the end of the post, but for now, let us bask in the wisdom of this man’s wit as he addresses the existence of our dreams …


(Neil Gaiman, 1960 ~ present)

“People think dreams aren’t real just because they aren’t made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.”

Just what you would expect from a man whose imagination knows no bounds, inspiring thousands to realize their own dreams by fulfilling his own. I first became aware of this author back in high school. One of my friends, whom I have known since early childhood, would read chapters of Good Omens to me on the bus every day. She told me that I would like it even before she started, and like every other time she said that, I fell in love with this author’s work. We never did manage to get to the end of that book before high school ended, but I have been a die hard fan of his ever since.

I would love to hear about how you guys were introduced to his work, and what you first impression was:

  • What books of his have you read?
  • What did you think of them?
  • How do his books differ from any others you’ve ever read?

Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments – just click on the speech bubble in the top right corner – and if you haven’t read any of his books before, or are unfamiliar with the identity of this author, then I think a little bit of research is in order 🙂

That’s all for today. As always, happy reading, and here is the video clip I promised you:

