Book Review: Words of Radiance


“It is said that a picture can say a thousand words. Well, so can a thousand words. They are the keys by which we can unlock new and amazing worlds, some of which ascend beyond the imagination, and it all begins on the first page.” – BookNerd

Greetings Fellow BookNerd,

As I write this post, at this very moment, I’m looking down from the top of Grouse Mountain in Vancouver. It is cloaked in its entirety by a thick blanket of fluffy white snow, lined with gorgeous green trees that are literally bowing down from the weight of the snow and ice upon their branches. My reason for being up here, aside from the obvious reason of enjoying the sights and sounds of nature, is because I was coerced into trying my hand at downhill skiing for the very first time… well, I say coerced, but it was really more like they asked if I wanted to, and I said yes. The mere thought of careening down the side of a mountain terrified me at first, but like most things I haven’t tried before,  I loved it when I finally did it.

During the days I haven’t been harnessing my inner daredevil – yes, I know, I really need to get out more if my idea of being a daredevil is skiing down the kiddie hills as slowly as one possibly could –  I of course have been reading a great deal. Some of the books I’ve been working my way through most recently were so good that I couldn’t even put them down long enough to whip out my laptop and blog about them like I normally would. Okay, I suppose it would be more accurate to say that I’ve been procrastinating, but it makes me feel less guilty if I think of it as me being preoccupied instead. Well, I guess it’s time for me to play a little catch up.

Book Review: Words of Radiance (Book 2 of the Stormlight Archive) by Brandon Sanderson



By the end of The Way of Kings, the first in Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive – which, I gotta say, is already shaping up to be one of the most riveting tales I’ve ever read – we’ve already come face to face with bloody wars, fallen comrades, gigantic beasts, both expected and unexpected betrayals, and one mind blowing reveal after another.

What’s more, the paths upon which our beloved Kaladin, Dalinar and Shallan have journeyed perilously down have begun to intersect, turning their individual stories into the greatest tale ever told. Even theire supporting comrads have managed to win our hearts, from the surprisingly optimistic Lopen, to the mysterious and not always comprehensible Wit.  I wish I had the time to devote to every single character and why I love them so dearly, but not only would it take ages to do so, it would also take away one of the reasons why you need to start reading this series if you haven’t already.

For those of you unfamiliar withSanderson’s work, his stories are essentially a series of epic tales, each one taking place on a different planet within the Cosmere, and all of which are connected in very subtle ways (subtle, yet so obvious when you actually stop to think about it, connecting all of the little dots).

The Stormlight Archive thus far is bases primarily on the ongoing conflict between the Parshendi and the Alethi, who have been at each other’s throat’s for a very long time. In Words of Radiance, the second book of the series, we actually get to experience parts of the war from the perspective of the Parshendi,  who up until now have been portrayed as essentially a savage race that kills wit hour mercy or reason.

Another very appealing aspect of this sequel is that we start to learn more about the Spren, mysterious entities who are believed to bring about the things that they represent, such as wind, rain, glory, anger, and even death.

I should warn you, if you’re looking for a book you can breeze through within a few days, then you should probably look elsewhere. So far, every book in this series has more than 1000 pages, and Sanderson plans on stretching it out to a total of 10 books.

Don’t let this deter you, however. Thus series is definitely worth your time, and what’s great is that unlike Game of Thrones, you won’t have to wait ten years for the next book. Sanderson has the amazing gift to be able to crank out a book almost every year, and without sacrificing any of the quality.

So, if you’re looking for a series to dedicate a rather large chunk of your time to, and become super emotional within the first few chapters as you become attached to characters who may or may not live until the very end, and which forces you to ask questions about your own existence that you didn’t even know you wanted to ask, then this is definitely for you.

Until next time, keep on reading!







Review: The Way of Kings


“It is said that a picture can say a thousand words. Well, so can a thousand words. They are the keys by which we can unlock new and amazing worlds, some of which ascend beyond the imagination, and it all begins on the first page.” – BookNerd

Greetings Fellow Booknerds,

Every time I finish a Sanderson novel, I think to myself; “There’s no way that he’ll be able to write anything that can top this.” And every time, without fail he makes me eat my own words.

The scope of his imagination is simply astounding, as if it’s an actual living thing that grows with every story, feeding off of his creative energy until the words take on their own life. He takes you on an epic journey, one that literally knocks the wind out of you, because every time you think you’ve got things figured out, Sanderson punches you in the gut with the truth, leaving you breathless and stupefied.




51hpm256bgl__sx258_bo1204203200_Book Review: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson


The Way of Kings is just one might gut punch after another, and most of them you won’t see coming. This first installment of the Stormlight Archive is an introduction to another corner of Sanderson’s Cosmere, and when I heard that there could end up being at least ten more books in the series, I knew that I was in for a heart pounding, adrenaline pumping thrill ride. You see, when you read a Sanderson novel, there are no dull moments. There are only very brief quiets before the storm, which happen on almost every page.

Like most of his books, The Way of Kings follows the stories of several different characters, whose lives eventually become intertwined in a way you don’t see coming until it happens. A large portion of the story follows Kalladin, a former soldier turned slave who is sold off to work as a bridge man for the Alethi army, who are currently fighting a war against the Parshendi over a highly valued resource; gem hearts.

Another part of the story follows the journey of Shallan, an aspiring scholar with a secret agenda as she seeks to become a ward to Yasna, a genius in her field who is very selective when it comes to whom she is willing to teach. She’s possibly one of my favourite characters, because she starts off as a nervous, sheltered girl who has strayed far from home and into a world she doesn’t know how to navigate, and grows into a bold, witty badass.

And then you have Dalinar, high prince of Alethkar, also known as the Blackthorn on the battlefield. He does his best to aid and serve the new King of Alethkar following the assassination of his brother, Gavellar, an event which fueled the hate and need for revenge against the Parshendi.

There is just so much going on at all times in this book, that it’s next to impossible to go into much more detail without giving anything more away. So, I’ll finish by saying that this book was one of the longest books I’d ever read, and it was well worth every minute I put into finishing it. If you’ve read a Sanderson book before, then you already know more or less what to expect. If you haven’t, then be warned; once you’ve entered the Cosmere, there is no backing out.

Also, I would like to wish all of you who are participating in Nanowrimo this year the best of luck, and until next time, keep on reading!



Review: The Alloy of Law


“It is said that a picture can say a thousand words. Well, so can a thousand words. They are the keys by which we can unlock new and amazing worlds, some of which ascend beyond the imagination, and it all begins on the first page.” – BookNerd

Greetings Fellow BookNerds,

I fell madly in love with Sanderson’s writing the moment I picked up a copy of Mistborn. I have explored so many words and universes created by authors long before Sanderson began to make a name for himself, and yet very few of them can compare to this intricately thought out and cleverly connected set of stories.

The Mistborn trilogy sets the stage for Sanderson’s Cosmere series, which continues to grow every year with each new book he publishes… which he somehow manages to do mind bogglingly quickly! The Cosmere is a universe in which there are many worlds, each of which has its own unique characters and events, but all of which share a deep rooted connection that may not be obvious right away, but no doubt exists.



MistbornTheAlloyOfLawBook Review: The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson


The Alloy of Law is a continuation of the Mistborn series, taking place on the same world, only about 300 years in the future. Things look very different now, as technological advancements begin to take root in society, turning torches into electric lamps and horse drawn carriages into early automobiles. Mistborn’s have been reduced to a legend, beings that no longer exist, and whose very existence at all is in question by some. Allomancy, however, is still very much prevalent.

Waxillium and Wayne take the lead in this story, using their own methods to create justice in the world that aren’t always received with positive views from the local law enforcement. Both scarred by tragedy that brought them together and our of the ruthless and lawless Roughs, they are as different as could possibly be, and their crazy antics will leave you in stitches more often than not.

It has the feel of an old western, sprinkled with magic, and with a dash of conspiracy added to keep things interesting. The chemistry between the two main characters is not unlike that of Sherlock and Dr. Watson, where not matter how annoyed they get with one another, they’ve always got each others’ back. I should also mention that there are some pretty epic gun fights, which you know will be good when alomancy is involved too.

I would strongly recommend reading the original Mistborn Trilogy first, if you haven’t already, as it goes into all of the different metals and what abilities they provide the user. It also helps you to appreciate the present state of the world more when you can see what it was like in the past.

I highly recommend Alloy of Law as the next book you pick up before school starts, so you have something to take your mind off all of those textbook readings and assignments. I’m currently reading my way through the sequel to this book, but it could take me a while as I have a lot of creative projects on the go. So until then, feel free to leave book recommendations, or even just some of your thoughts in the comments below or on my blogs facebook page, and as always, happy reading!





Book Review: World War Z


“It is said that a picture can say a thousand words. Well, so can a thousand words. They are the keys by which we can unlock new and amazing worlds, some of which ascend beyond the imagination, and it all begins on the first page.” – BookNerd

Greetings Fellow BookNerds,

I’m what you would call a more ‘traditional’ reader, in that I prefer the feeling of a genuine book in my hands as opposed to a hand held reading device. That’s just how I was raised, and it’s not easy to undo over 20 years of doing something a certain way.

I had convinced myself that I would never EVER enjoy a book that I couldn’t flip open on my lap, ruffling through its pages simply to enjoy that musty smell wafting up as a result of sitting on a bookshelf for many many years… well, that’s what I thought, anyways.

Facing a six hour drive, and in need of something to listen to that wouldn’t lull me to sleep within minutes, I decided to give an audiobook a try. Admittedly, I wasn’t initially convinced that an audiobook would be able to keep my attention long enough to fully appreciate the story. Boy, was I wrong.

The moment it started playing, the world around me disappeared. It was just as engaging, if not more so, than a physical book. After six hours, we managed to get halfway through it, and I could hardly wait until our next road trip so I could hear how it ends! I may be set in my ways, but sometimes, it can be more rewarding than you thought to give something new a try.

World_War_Z_book_coverReview: World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War by Max Brooks


First off, I just want you all to keep in mind that this book is NOTHING like that movie they supposedly based off of it. The book follows Brooks, an agent of the United Nations Postwar Commission, as he goes around interviewing individuals who either played crucial roles during the war, or were among those who survived it against all odds. Through the interviews, we gradually uncover how it all started, where the first to be infected were discovered, and how they were able to contain the threat and return things to more or less the way they were before the crisis.

The book goes into so much detail, that there were times while I was listening where I had to remind myself that we hadn’t actually lived through a global zombie epidemic. It can really put you on edge at times, making it seem like you’re the one waking up to find a reanimated corpse trying to break down your door in the middle of the night.

I must confess that I haven’t actually watched the movie adaptation, but based on what I’ve heard and read about it, there is little to no resemblance to the book. Supposedly, even the author Max Brooks wasn’t happy with this Hollywood rendition of his work, and I can see why. The movie is all flash, and absolutely no substance. The book delves into all aspects of the war, not just the blood, gore and violence. Brooks digs deep into the politics, the attitudes of both the masses and the individuals, the degradation of order and structure, the emotional and psychological state of those who struggled to lead amidst the chaos, and so much more.

It’s basically what I wish my grade school history textbooks would’ve read like. There was tons of information and facts, but they were presented in such a seamless and emotionally provocative manner that you felt like you were living through that moment in time. He has brought the horror fiction genre to a whole new level, which is why it’s such a shame that such a movie exists which makes it seem like this book is just another Walking Dead rip off.

The audiobook version I listened to featured a number of different celebrities, each one taking on the persona of the various individuals being interviewed throughout the story. It certainly does add something to a book when you can hear the characters speaking to you aloud, especially when it’s the voice of Alan Alda, Nathan Fillion, Mark Hammill and Simon Pegg, just to name a few. I’m sure there are many different versions out there, but I would highly recommend this one, which is also narrated by Wil Wheaton… okay, he was my least favourite part of Star Trek: Next Generation, but he’s gotten much better at his acting since then, and he really nails it in his reading of World War Z.

I would highly recommend picking up a copy and reading it as soon as possible, especially if all you’ve seen is the sorry excuse for a book-to-movie adaptation. World War Z is definitely worth your time, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it once you’re finished in the comments below. So go out and find this hidden gem, and until next time, keep on reading!




Book Review: Neverwhere


“It is said that a picture can say a thousand words. Well, so can a thousand words. They are the keys by which we can unlock new and amazing worlds, some of which ascend beyond the imagination, and it all begins on the first page.” BookNerd

Greetings Fellow BookNerds,

I am beyond excited to share with you guys my thoughts and feelings on Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. From the moment I started reading it, I knew it was going to be an amazing literary journey, and not just because it’s Neil Gaiman… although honestly, that’s reason enough. I have yet to be disappointed by any of his books.

That being said, I attempted several times to explain what this book was about to my boyfriend, because I knew he would probably love it as much as I did, but realized that there is just not enough word combinations to accurately describe this epic tale. There’s a little review blurb on the back of the book that described it as a ‘dark version of Alice in wonderland’, which I agree with one hundred percent. The man character is dragged into a world they can’t explain, one that defies all logic and sanity, and which is full of bizarre and colourful characters, both friend and foe.

If I’ve gleaned anything from Gaiman’s creative process, it’s that he loves to throw his protagonists into situations that are completely absurd and without any kind of rules or common sense, and it makes for the most engaging, on-the-edge-of-your-seat story every time, without fail. All of his characters have a life of their own, even if they only appear for a brief moment. I honestly believe that if you were to remove any character from this book, regardless of their significance, then the story would have an entirely different feel.

never    Review: Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman


“Under the streets of London there’s a place most people could never even dream of. A city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels, knights in armour and pale girls in black velvet. This is the city of the people who have fallen between the cracks.

Richard Mayhew, a young businessman, is going to find out more than enough about this other London. A single act of kindness catapults him out of his workday existence and into a world that is at once eerily familiar and utterly bizarre. And a strange destiny awaits him down here, beneath his native city.”

I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of other realities existing within or parallel to our own, which is probably why I loved this book so much. It opens up the doors to so many possibilities that would otherwise be impossible I our reality, even if some of those possibilities are potentially lethal, which Richard Mayhew is unlucky enough to encounter many of.

I adore the chemistry between Richard and his fellow protagonist, Door, who remains somewhat of an enigma right to the very end. Their relationship is unique in the sense that she is the reason his life gets turned upside down, and yet time and time again, she leaves him to fend for himself. She doesn’t hold his hand and lead him through this foreign world, and she doesn’t beat around the bush when he confronts her about his desire to return to his own reality. And yet, at the same time, she is neither heartless nor unsympathetic to his plight, which makes her even more fascinating as a character.

Without giving too much away, I would have to say that my favourite character in this book is the Marquis de Carabas. He’s one of those characters who, from beginning to end, you’re not entirely sure whether his motives are good or bad, and yet regardless of whichever it may be, you still like him. It’s because he’s so witty, wise and unpredictable, and even though he often acts like he doesn’t care, his actions tend to contradict that.

Even the protagonist is on the rather unique side. I mean, despite having his reality turned inside out, he’s still willing to go along with it all whilst keeping his sanity intact. He wants nothing more than to go back to his normal life, and yet he tries so hard to make himself useful to his group of travelling companions while in the Neverwhere. It’s an endearing trait, as opposed to the protagonist who does nothing except complain about the predicament they’re in and absolutely refuses to accept their situation.

So, if you like quirky characters, strange worlds, delightfully witty bad guys and life or death situations, then like me, you’ll find yourself irresistibly attracted to this book. If you’ve already read it, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below, or on my blogs facebook page, and if you haven’t read it, then what are you waiting for! Go grab yourself a copy, and until next time, happy reading!

